Scones have always been one of my favorite morning treats. A warm, crumbly scone with fresh honey butter or lemon curd hits the spot in a way that not many other things do. This recipe is a classic recipe, but I included some lists for ideas of things to add into your batter and make the scones just the way you want them. At the bottom of the page, I have also included a recipe for my gluten-free scones that are made without xanthum gum! Yay!
I think baking is very rewarding, and if you follow a good recipe, you will get success. -Mary Berry
One of my favorite ways to eat scones are warm out of the oven smeared with honey butter. Others prefer to add them as part of a savory breakfast spread alongside scrambled eggs, served with clotted cream and fruit or spread with a whippped, flavored cream cheese. However you like them, make and eat with love. Now grab your apron & play with your food!!!

Did you try this yourself? Post a photo and tag @allthingsastred!
Variations and related recipes? Yes, please! The Perfect Gluten-Free Scones Not-Your-Average Lox Bagel Lemon, Lime & Grapefruit Curd (vegan option!)