Smoked salmon is often confused with lox; it does not help that it is also promoted as such by restaurants and packaging! True lox is not smoked, but cured. So what is smoked salmon?
Smoked Salmon is similar to lox, but has two big differences. The first is that smoked salmon can come from any part of the salmon, not just the belly. The second is that it is, well, smoked.
The two ways to smoke the fish are cold smoking and hot smoking. Cold smoking the fish leaves the salmon with a raw texture similar to lox and gravlax. Hot smoking the fish creates a more firm, flaky texture to the fish as the heat slightly cooks the fish as well. Cold smoking requires more of an elaborate set-up than most people have or a willing to invest in as a home cook. A good alternative would be quickly smoking the fish, then curing it like lox or gravlax. It may be more time consuming, but is simple.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. -Henry David Thoreau
Don't have a smoker? Make-shift one!
To make-shift a smoker, line a wok or baking pan with heavy duty aluminum foil. Spread dry wood chips to cover the bottom. Place a second layer of foil on top of the wood chips to catch drippings, then top that with a rack to place your fish. Cover tightly with a lid of aluminum foil.
Smoking may not be good for you, but let this one slide! Grab your apron and get smoking!This recipe is good to eat as a lox bagel, smoked salmon tacos, served with eggs benedict, eaten by itself or along with crackers or toast and fresh vegetables. The creative possibilities are endless!

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Variations and related recipes? Yes, please! Not-Your-Average Lox Bagel No-weight Easy Gravlax Smoked Salmon Vegan Style