This cooking demo was filmed by Alex Griffin and edited by David Phillips while I was attending Indian Hills' Culinary Arts Program. What a flashback!
I watch this video and am reminded of how much we change through the years. How would I do this differently now? How much more do I understand about food and life then I did then? I would totally kick my younger self's butt!
Once that thought came into my head, I reminded myself that we all need to start at the beginning. That is a very good place to start.
I barely know more than myself 10 years ago and will have the same thought about myself ten years from now as well. When filming this video, I was inspired, creative and fortunate to have support from the program and it's director, Gordon Rader, to pursue everything I put my mind to.
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. -Thomas Jefferson
Enjoy the video!